Bridging hearts

Cultivating respect, love and authenticity with your mother in law to also deepen the connection with your man


After the death of my mother in law, I realise more than ever how real and raw death is. We go to the grave with nothing but the deeds we done. 

The relationship with my mother in law was a tremendously difficult one, yet after years of tension and heated arguments, we found peace and connection as I embraced my true authentic self. 

And after her death, I found inspiration to create a programme for Muslim wives, just like me, who want to embrace a deeper, authentic connection with their mother in laws, in turn creating deeper connections with their man.


Check out the LIMITED time special offer below - payment plans available



Bridging hearts

Cultivating respect, love and authenticity with your mother in law to also deepen the connection with your man


After the death of my mother in law, I realise more than ever how real and raw death is. We go to the grave with nothing but the deeds we done. 

The relationship with my mother in law was a tremendously difficult one, yet after years of tension and heated arguments, we found peace and connection as I embraced my true authentic self. 

And after her death, I found inspiration to create a programme for Muslim wives, just like me, who want to embrace a deeper, authentic connection with their mother in laws, in turn creating deeper connections with their man.


Check out the LIMITED time special offer below - payment plans available

It starts within

My relationship with my mother in law was not easy, for many years we fought, had intense disagreements and built up such a tense and difficult relationship, whilst my poor husband watched in the middle of it all.💔All whilst our marriage almost came to breaking point.

For 2 and a half years I lived in her home, shared the same kitchen, sat next to her on the couch, and it was so so emotionally difficult for me.😔A couple more years down the line and she was back, this time in my home for a further 2 and a half years...

➡️ I lived on edge, and developed a depression

➡️ I began to over eat and put on sooo much weight. 

➡️ I developed chronic sinus infections - all due to the constant stress of being in that intense environment, and the constraint of not being myself. 

This all put such a huge strain on my marriage, that almost left us at breaking point!

May Allah forgive  all our shortcomings, Ameen. 🤲

Years later when I worked on my inner healing, and my own personal development there was a shift in my thoughts and attitude towards her. ➡️During an intense argument one day, I looked at myself and realised this was not who I wanted to be as a daughter in law. Or wife. Or slave to Allah SWT. 

🚫It did not align with me or my values. 

🚫It did not align with pleasing my Creator. 

🚫Nor pleasing my man. 

And that's when I knew I had to change. 

The very first change I had to make was within - not being afraid to be my true self. 😊Not hiding away from who I am and how I wanted to show up in our relationship. 

It wasn't an easy transition, but choosing to look at what I loved about my mother in law rather than her shortcomings helped me to build and embrace our connection.💕 And in turn reconnect with my husband.

And now, I have built The Authentic Daughter in Law Movement✨ to help you make the micro shifts in your relationship to build huge change in your connection to the woman who gave birth to your soul mate, and your marriage. 

It's time to:


  • stop feeling on edge and unsettled within. 
  • leave behind the anger and resentment that you have towards your man, for not "saving you"
  • cure the sadness you have towards yourself for not doing better as a daughter in law and striving to please your Lord 
  • feel calm to be authentic around your mother in law

And instead:

  • feel centred and content around your mother in law
  • embrace a deeper connection with  your soulmate as you work on the relationship with his mum
  • feel pure and true acceptance towards her and yourself
  • truly love her with wholeness and respect whilst maintaining healthy boundaries
  • step into your true power and be fully authentic as a wife and daughter in law

You deserve to live as a powerful Muslim woman, unburdened by toxic cycles and deeply connected to Allah. Through this work, you will heal chronic emotional and physical wounds, nurture your marriage, and embody the version of yourself that Allah created you to be. 

Are you ready to take the most important step of your life? Let's transform your heart, your home, and your future, all for the sake of Allah. 

"I finally looked at my mother in law and didn't see her shortcomings, instead I embraced and learned to love her for who she was." ~ Marilu



"Marilu taught me not to react to everything my mother in law said. Not everything needs an answer or justification. 

She also taught me that I had to set my boundaries clearly and how to stand by it in a respectful way." ~ Sister F


SAVE £150 on all plans between 21.12-29.12

Single payment £1111    

Now £961

Instalment options available: 

2 instalments of £650

3 instalments of £450

(Save £150 on the first instalment)


  • 4 week live course
  • Recordings available
  • Downloadable workbooks
  • Learn the tools from The Authentic Daughter in Law Method to find more peace and connection in your relationship with the woman who birthed your soulmate
  • Create a deeper connection to your husband - as you grow your relationship with his mum


10% of all profits will be donated to our brothers and sisters in Gaza, in my mother in laws name, so she can benefit from this ongoing charity


Secure my spot

Instalment plan


One instalment of £500 and one instalment of £650


Secure my spot - pay in 2

Instalment plan


One instalment of £300 and two instalments of £450


Secure my spot - pay in 3